Saturday, 27 March 2010

Becareful with oral sex

MANY who say oral sex is the safest activity than other types of intimate relationships. For couples who are not bound, oral sex is often used as a choice because it will not result in pregnancy. But, whether oral sex was safe, especially from the risk of sexually transmitted diseases?

For most couples, oral sex is usually performed as part of the heating or foreplay. Many men who liked this activity because oral sex can burn their fantasies to achieve satisfaction. Men usually feel a higher pleasure in receiving and giving oral sex. From several studies, the men admitted more often want oral sex compared with women.

Sex consultant, Dr. Ferryal Loetan, ASC & T, MMR, SpRM, M. Kes, assessing oral sex should be done carefully. Performed oral sex on a woman allows a man contracting the disease, as well as activities performed oral sex on her man.

"In the mouth there is a lot of saliva that can transmit disease. For in the human saliva, there are some germs and bacteria. Similarly with all kinds of fungus, usually attached to the human body. They can cause disease when we do oral sex, "Ferryal said.

Danger will threaten oral sex if done without caution and without the body hygiene. When receiving oral sex disease, they can spread it to the giving of oral and vice versa.

For example, the mouth and lips are chapped experience may invite the risk of contracting the disease to the recipient of the giver of oral sex oral. Other diseases that can be transmitted through oral sex among them, Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea, hepatitis B, HIV and genital warts (HPV).

If you like oral sex and can not change this habit, then that must be noted is to maintain health and hygiene equipment your genital Thus, the general signs of disease associated with early symptoms of PMS can be identified early.

The only way if you still want to perform oral sex in way fellatio (oral sex on male organs), is to use a condom without lubrication (or eliminate lubricants). Whereas for cunnilingus (oral sex on female organs), your partner should use protection against tooth. This tool is a square piece of latex placed over the vulva to avoid direct contact or exchange of body fluids. (C11-08)

Is it dangerous to swallow sperm? Can oral sex be done more often? Is it true that most men like oral sex? Read the answer in this article.

Like the missionary position, maybe the style of oral sex, including sex in the classic style that has been known since ancient times. Whether for fun or done as a couple variations to overcome boredom, oral sex as much fun. But not a few women who are reluctant to perform oral sex for reasons of shame, disgust, or fear of danger to health.

Performed oral sex on the penis is sometimes ended with ejaculation in the mouth to swallow sperm. This is not something dangerous. The sperm itself is a product of male sex organs (testes) whose condition is very clean and sterile, as long as the couple was not infected with venereal disease. There's even a mention experts in sperm contained a number of good protein.

Each activity should be done to make love to both of satisfaction. So no matter if oral sex is very often, as long as you and your partner enjoy it. In pregnant women love this style can also be done, as long as the reproductive organs of women and men in good health.

Perform oral sex you can also choose if you want to quickly reach orgasm. Massage and warm sensation that is felt in the clitoris is guaranteed to make you 'explode'. So do not hesitate to ask the couple took turns performing oral sex.

I think a healthy way of smoking wrote on tobacco grin

but ... don’t caught like this so tar deck

ATHENA, TUESDAY - Nine women arrested for prostitution involved. But actually they were arrested for participating in oral sex contest.

According to police, on Monday (14 / 7) or Tuesday (15 / 7) Indonesia time, this strange contest held at Laganas beach, on the southern island Zakynothos. According to the Daily Mirror, these women, generally the English, came on holiday to the island did become one of the main objectives in Greece.

Then, when they came into a bar, they offered a part in the race for oral sex and that they are paid. Action was also recorded and is scheduled to run through the internet.

But in the middle of the action took place, the police came and arrested them. Certainly not fair that only the women were arrested, but the man who became the object of competition also arrested on charges of encouraging

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